Online marketing has never been a simple undertaking. The foundation starts with a good website, which is a huge project on it’s own. Then comes finding the right tools and channels to get your prospect’s attention and create enough trust for them to navigate back to your site and work with you. With so many ways to market your business online, many myths have popped up over time. Many interactions and business is happening online, digital marketing has quickly become a necessity to grow your business.
Below are some of the most common online marketing myths that we hear!
Cross-platform marketing isn’t necessary
We definitely disagree with this idea! It’s absolutely possible to focus mainly on one marketing channel, using several will help your business be seen online by many more viewers, including both prospects and current customers. Being online allows you to increase your reach easily, so it’s important to take advantage of that. We recommend putting effort into social media, paid search and SEO. The degree of use for each channel might change based on your business model, but utilizing several channels is usually a good idea for successful online marketing.
You can “Set It and Forget It”
All digital marketing activity requires regular maintenance and the idea to “set it and forget it” does not apply to online marketing. Plus, many online marketing tools are constantly changing, so it’s important to keep an eye on your campaigns to ensure they are running well and bringing in an ROI.
Content Isn’t Important
You spent a lot of time creating a website that is easy to navigate, provides important informations, and gains the trust of your prospective customer. It’s tempting to take a break from creating content and allow the site to do its’ job. But, if you want to have qualified visitors coming to your website on a regular basis, you’ll need to produce content that is relevant to your target audience.
Content can be in the form of blogs, FAQs, updated site content about your services, as well as social media.
Mobile Doesn’t Drive Conversions
Are your website visitors converting on mobile? If not, it’s important to work on fixing that. User experience on a mobile device is very different experience than being on a desktop. If your website is responsive, that’s a good start. But, you’ll need to make sure your sales funnel still works easily with how people use their phones. Unfortunately, you can’t always replicate the desktop process of your site on a mobile device, so you can’t expect people to go fill out forms and working through many processes. Mobile applications should be simple and fast, and the user should not have to put in too much effort.
If any of these tactics feel overwhelming or daunting, give us a call. The team at Webstract Marketing know how to help ensure your online marketing presence is strong and up-to-date with all the latest online marketing tools and policies.